2025 Livestock Premium List

2025 general rules and regulations


1. Each ram shall be individually identified with an individual ear tag or registration tattoo. 2. This identification, along with the brucella ovis test date and name of laboratory performing the test, shall be recorded on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. Exemption: 1. Rams from a certified brucella ovis-free flock with the certified free number and anniversary test date listed on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. OPEN DIVISION BREEDING SWINE TEXAS ORIGIN A. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued within the past thirty (30) days is required for all swine listing identification with USDA approved tags (US emblem on tag) and including a statement that they have not been fed garbage, have not been exposed to pseudorabies and have not been vaccinated for pseudorabies. B. Leptospirosis vaccination is required on breeding swine within thirty (30) days with Leptospirosis vaccine containing the following strains: Canicola, Grippotyphosan, Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona. C. A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection must contain the following statement from the issuing veterinarian, “To the best of my knowledge, swine represented on this certificate have not originated from a premises known to be affected by Novel Swine Enteric Coronavirus Disease(s) (SECD), and have not been exposed to SECD within the last thirty (30) days.” OUT OF STATE ORIGIN A. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued within the past thirty (30) days is required for all swine listing identification with USDA approved tags (US emblem on tag) and including a statement that they have not been fed garbage. B. Negative brucellosis and psuedorabies test within past thirty (30) days unless originating from a current validated herd. C. Leptospirosis vaccination is required on breeding swine within thirty (30) days with Leptospirosis vaccine containing the following strains: Canicola, Grippotyphosan, Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona. D. A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection must contain the following statement from the issuing veterinarian, “To the best of my knowledge, swine represented on this certificate have not originated from a premises known to be affected by Novel Swine Enteric Coronavirus Disease(s) (SECD), and have not been exposed to SECD within the last thirty (30) days.”


A. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued within the past thirty (30) days.


A. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued within the past thirty (30) days.

JUNIOR DIVISION STEERS A. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued within the past thirty (30) days.

GOATS (both Open and Junior Divisions) A. All goats entering the Show Grounds must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued within thirty (30) days of entry. B. Sexually intact animals must have official USDA Scrapie Eradication Program Identification.

HORSES (And Other Equine)

These regulations apply to all equine entering the Show Grounds. This includes equine used for Show, Rodeo, Grand Entry and all other purposes.

TEXAS ORIGIN A. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued within thirty (30) days.

B. Negative Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test, also known as “Coggins” Test, within the past twelve (12) months. Test date, accession number and name of laboratory must be listed on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. Exemption: 1. Equine may enter shows, fairs, exhibitions or assemblies without a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection when accompanied by a current Equine Passport or a Global Vet Link (GVL) Extended Equine Certificate of Veterinary


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