2025 Livestock Premium List

2025 general rules and regulations


56. METHOD OF AWARDING. No animal will be awarded a prize unless removed from its stall or pen and exhibited, with an entry number (when applicable), before the judge in the show ring, except animals judged in pens.

The Management reserves the right to return entries and cancel any class in which, in its judgment, the number of entries is insufficient to insure adequate competition. Where there are fewer entries in a class than the number of premiums offered, the judge may, at their discretion, award prizes of such grade as the animals deserve. 57. UNETHICALLY FITTED LIVESTOCK. Judges shall not award a prize to an unworthy exhibit. It is the intention of the Management that no premium or distinction of any kind shall be given any animal that is not deserving. Unethically fitted animals will be barred from exhibition. Humane treatment of animals must be exercised at all times by all exhibitors and their employees. Animals that have been given any form of intoxicating beverage, tranquilizer or other drug affecting mood or attitude prior to judging will be disqualified. Any product administered internally or used externally to alter the appearance or conformation of an animal for exhibition is prohibited and will be cause for disqualification. This includes but is not limited to stomach pumping, airing injections, bruising and balancing the udder by any means other than leaving naturally produced milk in any of the quarters. The use of graphite, powders, dyes, hemp, false tailheads, glued on hair, or hair-like substances, or other similar substances externally and steroids, growth stimulants or artificial filling internally is prohibited. Exceptions to this will be granted for practices which are accepted by the breed association sanctioning an event. Judges are also requested to report to the Management any animals upon which a surgical operation has been performed to improve their “show” appearance. If after examination by an official veterinarian, an animal is found to be in violation of any of the above: a) it will be barred from further exhibition; b) no awards will be made; c) stall and entry fees will not be refunded. The decision of the official veterinarian will be final. These rules will be strictly adhered to whether there is competition or not. (See Wholesome Meat Act, Page 30). 58. MEDICATION AND GROWTH STIMULANTS. The use of medication or growth stimulants should be administered in accordance with the directions as printed on the product label in regard to dosage and withdrawal periods for milk producing and slaughter animals. A licensed veterinarian should be consulted before administering any medication or growth stimulant. 59. PROHIBITED FEED SUBSTANCES; MERCHANTABLE CONDITION. No slaughter animal entry shall have been fed any substance in any manner not approved by the FDA and/or USDA for use on livestock for slaughter. Ruminant animals shall not have been fed any feed containing ruminant derived meat and bone meal or any other prohibited mammalian protein as defined by Food and Drug Administration Directive 21CFR589.2000. In addition, all slaughter animal entries shall be in merchantable condition. If this rule is violated, the animal will be disqualified, and exhibitor will forfeit all rights to sale proceeds, premiums and prizes. 61. RIBBON AWARDS. The colors of ribbons designating awards are as follows: blue, first; red, second; white, third; pink, fourth; yellow, fifth; dark green, sixth; light green, seventh; tan, eighth; gray, ninth; from tenth place on, light blue. SALES 62. SALE OF BREEDING ANIMALS. Breeding animal sales are under the management of the respective associations; however, animals entered in these sales, if eligible, must be entered in the breeding classes of that breed to be allowed to go through the sale. FEED Feed of all kinds will be available through the Stock Show Feed Department at reasonable prices. All feed and shavings must be paid for, in full, at time of purchase. Feed office will accept cash, checks and major credit cards for these purchases. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED UNLESS REQUIRED FEES ACCOMPANY ENTRY. Credit cards are not accepted for any entry related fee. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST FURNISH THEIR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER UPON REQUEST. 60. ANIMALS DISQUALIFIED. Should any animal awarded a prize be disqualified, the lower prize winning animals will remain as placed by the judge and will not be graduated up to higher positions. RULES REGARDING UNETHICAL FITTING WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.


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