2025 Livestock Premium List

2025 general rules and regulations


46. SIFTING. The sifting committee will inspect: THURSDAY, JANUARY 23

10 a.m. to 5 p.m.-------Junior Breeding Beef Heifers--------------Entry Verification (Rule 4, Page 163)

FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.--------Junior Breeding Beef Heifers----------------Entry Verification (Rule 4, Page 163)

TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 3:30 p.m.------------------Junior Wether Lambs--------------------------Refer to Junior Wether Lambs (Rule 5, Page 196)

THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 10:30 a.m.-----------------Junior Wether Goats---------------------------Refer to Junior Wether Goats (Rule 4, Page 209) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 10 a.m.---------------------Junior Barrows----------------------------------Refer to Junior Barrows (Rule 6, Page 148)

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 10 a.m.---------------------Junior Steers------------------------------------Refer to Junior Steers (Rule 6, Page 200)

Exhibitors will remove blankets from animals at inspection. Animals judged unworthy of exhibition will be removed by exhibitors immediately.

47. SHOWING. Any animal or animals properly entered in any show class and passed upon by the sifting committee is eligible for competition and must be brought into arena for exhibition, unless the reason for their nonappearance in the ring is acceptable to the Superintendent in charge. All single breeding cattle and steers for exhibition must be shown with halter.

48. COMMUNICATION DEVICES. No portable communication devices (i.e., cell phones, radios, tablets, smart watches, fitness trackers, etc.) may be used by exhibitors during competition in show arenas. Exhibitors using such devices will be automatically disqualified.

49. REFUSAL TO PARADE. Exhibitors refusing, for any cause not meeting with the approval of the Management, to lead out their animals for parade or for competition in the show ring when called by the Superintendent in charge, will not only forfeit any prizes previously won but may be barred from further participation in the Show and required to remove their stock from the Show Grounds within six (6) hours after such refusal. 50. USING ANIMALS IN JUDGING CONTESTS. When an exhibitor is called upon to furnish one (1) or more animals for the students to judge in Livestock Judging Contests, they are expected to do so. Refusing to allow their animals to be used in this manner for any cause not meeting with the approval of the Management will forfeit any prizes they may win and be barred from further participation in the Show. Animals to be used in Livestock Judging Contests will be selected through the Department Superintendents and, insofar as possible, will be obtained from those who wish to cooperate with the contests in this manner. 51. PHOTOGRAPHS OF CHAMPIONS. Exhibitors must allow the Management to photograph Champion and Grand Champion winners. These photographs will become the property of the Exposition and will be used for publicity and illustrations in publications. JUDGE’S RULES

Judges are earnestly requested to familiarize themselves with all the Rules and Regulations of this Show and to especially note those rules bearing on the classes to be judged by them.

52. SELECTION OF JUDGES. Judges will be selected by the Exposition in cooperation with the breed associations. In every case, the judge is selected with the utmost care and, as far as possible, will be of national reputation.

53. DECISION OF JUDGES FINAL. The decision of the judges will be final in all cases, except where mistake, fraud, misrepresentation or collusion, not discovered at the time of award, is proven. In such cases, the Management or such referee as it may appoint may make the decision, or the case may be referred to the Executive Committee from whose decision there can be no appeal. 54. INTERFERENCE WITH JUDGES. If any exhibitor, in any way, whether in person or by agent, or servants, interferes with the judges, or shows any disrespect to them, or the Show, the Management may demand a proper apology from such exhibitor, or it may exclude them from competition and from the ring and may also withhold from such exhibitor premiums that may have been awarded. 55. TIME OF JUDGING. The Livestock Judging schedule as published in this Premium List will be followed as closely as possible. Exhibitors should ascertain at what time the exhibits entered will be judged. Any exhibit not presented promptly at scheduled time will be ruled out and barred from competition in the class called. No complaint or protest on the grounds that the judges overlooked exhibits will be considered.


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