2025 Livestock Premium List

2025 general rules and regulations


valid and enforceable; such invalid or unenforceable provision shall not affect any other provision of this section 20, and, as so modified, this section 20 shall remain in full force and effect.

21. PROTESTS. Each protest must be in writing and accompanied by a deposit of $50, which will be forfeited if protest is not sustained. Such protest must state plainly the cause of the complaint or appeal and must be delivered to the Management of the Exposition immediately after the occasion for such protest. Any protest as to the eligibility on account of age or breeding of animals must be filed with the Management prior to the day on which they are to be judged.

Judging procedures will not be interrupted for protest investigation; and depending on the basis of the protest, a decision may be withheld until a thorough investigation is completed.

22. OBJECTIONABLE EXHIBITS. Exhibition Management reserves the right to remove from the Grounds any exhibit, animal, stand or show that may be falsely entered, or may be deemed unsuitable or objectionable, without assigning a reason therefore, and, if necessary in Exposition’s sole discretion, return any money already paid for space or stalls which shall exonerate the Exposition from any liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses, suits, actions, injuries, demands, proceedings and claims whatsoever on the part of the exhibitor or purchaser.

23. CONFLICTS. Nothing shall be sold or given away or otherwise disposed of by exhibitors which will in any way conflict with, or which is subject matter of, any privilege or concession granted or sold by the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show.

No person will be permitted to distribute advertising matter upon the Grounds, except from his place of business or exhibit space. The tacking or posting of any advertisement, bills, etc., other than within the space occupied by exhibits, is strictly prohibited. The distribution of handbills, flyers and heralds will not under any circumstance be permitted. Begging, soliciting, singing or public speaking are prohibited. EXHIBITOR’S RULES

24. COOKING. Cooking is not allowed on the Show Grounds at any time other than by food concessionaires. No cookers, crock-pots, microwaves, coffee pots, warmers or other cooking utensils will be permitted.

25. REGISTRATION AND CERTIFICATE OF VETERINARY INSPECTION. EXHIBITORS MUST HAVE THEIR ORIGINAL REGISTRATION PAPERS AND CERTIFICATES OF VETERINARY INSPECTION AVAILABLE WITH THEIR EXHIBITS AT ALL TIMES DURING THE SHOW. Photocopies or facsimiles will not be accepted, unless specified by the association. 26. OWNERSHIP OF ANIMALS. To be eligible for competition, whether singly or in groups, animals must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor, as reflected on the animal’s registration certificate, and all animals entered for competition in the open breeding classes must be entered in the name of the owner and must have been owned by the owner prior to entry closing date. If proof of ownership is required, an affidavit must be furnished. Jointly-owned animals must be entered and shown under the multi-ownership (all co-owners) in the individual classes. In the group classes, jointly-owned animals may be entered and exhibited under the name of one (1) of the co-owners provided he owns a full or part interest in each of the animals in the group entry. 27. FIRMS AND PARTNERSHIPS. Firms and partnerships entering animals for competition must be in existence at the time of making entry and, in all cases, must be bona fide. Affidavits of the age of the firms may be required by the Management. In all cases, a firm or partnership is considered an exhibitor. 28. BREEDER DEFINED. The breeder of an animal is the owner of the dam at the time of service and shall be so considered in all cases which require animals to be bred by exhibitors. When a breeder, prior to close of entries, disposes of his herd to a corporation wherein he is a stockholder or manager, the animals may be exhibited as bred by said corporation. 29. ELIGIBILITY OF ANIMALS. All animals in breeding classes must be purebred, unless otherwise stated, and must be recorded or accepted for record in the recognized books of record for their respective breeds. An animal is eligible to enter and/or compete in only one (1) breed classification regardless if the animal is registered to two (2) or more breed associations or registries. The animal must be registered in the recognized U.S. registry for that breed classification or, if registered in country of origin other than the U.S., said animal must be eligible for registry in the recognized U.S. registry. Exhibitors must produce original certificates of registry at the request of the Superintendent in charge any time during the Exposition. The exhibitor must give, on his application for entry, the breed, class number, date of birth, registration number and names under which the animal is registered in the record association; otherwise, entry will not be accepted. Also, to be eligible, animals must bear a legible tattoo, firebrand or freeze brand number as required by the respective breed association. For ownership of animals entered for competition in the Junior Show, see Special Rules (Rule 12, Page 144).


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