2025 Livestock Premium List

2025 general rules and regulations


and the successors and assigns of any of the foregoing (all of the foregoing with Exposition, the “Released Parties”) from and against all liabilities, costs (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, costs of investigation and court costs), injuries, losses, expenses, claims, lawsuits, demands, actions, proceedings and damages (all of the foregoing, “Claims”) that exhibitor, an exhibitor Party or any Released Party may at any time suffer or sustain or become liable for regardless of the legal theory, whether now known or hereafter known, in any jurisdiction throughout the world, EVEN IF SUCH CLAIMS ARE CAUSED BY, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, THE ALLEGED OR ACTUAL SOLE, CONTRIBUTORY OR CONCURRENT NEGLIGENCE OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE OF ANY RELEASED PARTY OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR BASED ON STRICT LIABILITY OR PREMISES LIABILITY, including, without limitation, Claims arising out of or related to (a) the Show and any rules, regulations and conditions of Exposition, (b) any termination, cancellation, suspension or postponement of the Show (or any part thereof) at any time and for any reason, (c) any use or non-use of the Materials (defined below) or exhibitor’s Likeness (defined below) by the Released Parties, (d) any act or omission of the exhibitor, exhibitor Parties, the Released Parties, or anyone else, or (e) any accidents, damages, injuries, illnesses, sicknesses, disabilities, deaths, losses or incidents either to the person or property, or both, of exhibitor, any exhibitor Party, any Released Party or of any other individual or entity in any manner arising from any part of the Show or exhibitor’s, any exhibitor Party’s, any Released Party’s, or any other person’s acts or omissions or presence at the Facilities, including (without limitation) Claims allegedly or actually arising from (i) any interpretation or violation of rules, (ii) the disqualification of any animal or exhibitor, (iii) the loss of any sales proceeds, income, premium or prize, (iv) travel, storage, boarding or lodging costs or expenses, (v) COVID-19 or any other contagious disease or virus, (vi) the condition of the Facilities or any activities in or around the Facilities, and/or (vii) any alleged failure to provide adequate security. EXHIBITOR, ON BEHALF OF HIS/HER/ITSELF AND THE OTHER RELEASORS, FURTHER AGREES AND COVENANTS NOT TO ASSERT, MAKE OR BRING ANY SUCH CLAIMS AGAINST, OR IN ANY WAY SEEK SUCH CLAIMS FROM, ANY RELEASED PARTY, AND EXHIBITOR FOREVER RELEASES AND DISCHARGES THE RELEASED PARTIES FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY CLAIMS FOR OR RELATED TO PERSONAL OR MENTAL INJURY, ILLNESS, SICKNESS, PERMANENT DISABILITY, DEATH, LOSS (ECONOMIC OR OTHERWISE), OR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS OR LOSS OF INCOME, PREMIUMS OR PRIZES. Exhibitor also recognizes and agrees that it will be solely responsible and liable for any actual, direct, indirect, general, special, treble, punitive, incidental, consequential or other losses, injuries, costs, expenses or damages to, or occasioned by, or arising from the participation or presence of exhibitor, exhibitor Parties’, or exhibitor’s animals in or at the Show or Facilities, any termination, cancellation, suspension or postponement of the Show (or any part thereof), any disqualification of exhibitor, any disqualification of any exhibitor’s entry/ies or animals, any exposure to or contraction of COVID-19 or any other contagious virus or disease, any acts or omissions of a Released Party, exhibitor or any exhibitor Party, and any animal. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY RELEASED PARTY BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE TO ANY EXHIBITOR, EXHIBITOR PARTY OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ACTUAL, DIRECT, GENERAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, TREBLE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR OTHER LOSSES, INJURIES, DAMAGES, COSTS OR EXPENSES ARISING FROM THE SHOW, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY SUSPENSION, POSTPONEMENT, CANCELLATION OR TERMINATION THEREOF, OR FROM THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF ANY RELEASED PARTY OR ANYONE ELSE, DISQUALIFICATION OF EXHIBITOR OR HIS/HER/ITS ENTRIES/ANIMALS, CONTRACTION OF OR EXPOSURE TO COVID-19 OR ANY OTHER CONTAGIOUS VIRUS OR DISEASE, THE MATERIALS, OR THE FACILITIES. Further, exhibitor grants the Released Parties’ permission to photograph, video, record and interview exhibitor and the nonexclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, sublicensable (through multiple tiers), transferable and worldwide right and license to display, distribute, perform, exhibit, transmit, broadcast, reproduce, publish, digitize, edit, adapt, synchronize, create derivative works from, exploit, stream, license and otherwise use exhibitor’s name, nickname, image, likeness, appearance, voice, statements, biographical information, signature, performance, animal statistics and information, trademarks, indicators of source and any other identifying personal characteristics (collectively, “exhibitor’s Likeness” ) and all images, footage, text, photographs, videos, content and materials created by or on behalf of the Released Parties that incorporate or otherwise include, in whole or in part, the exhibitor’s Likeness (collectively, the “Materials” ); exhibitor agrees that all of the foregoing rights may be exercised by the Released Parties and their designees for any purpose, including, without limitation, educational, entertainment, business and promotional purposes, in perpetuity in any medium or format whatsoever now existing or hereafter created, including, without limitation, in, on, or through print media, film, television, internet and online media, and all forms of broadcast and streaming technologies. The Released Parties shall not be required to obtain any further consent or pay any further consideration to exhibitor or anyone else in exchange for the licenses or the exercise of the rights granted hereunder. Credit or other acknowledgment of exhibitor, if any, shall be determined by the Released Parties in their sole discretion. Exhibitor (i) agrees that the Released Parties make no representation that exhibitor’s Likeness will or will not be used in any way, (ii) waives any right to inspect or approve the Materials or any use of the Materials, (iii) agrees that the Released Parties shall have full exclusive ownership (including, without limitation, all copyrights and other intellectual property rights) of any Materials, (iv) represents and warrants that exhibitor is not a member of any union or guild or memberships that would prevent him/her from granting these rights or participating in the Show, and (v) agrees not to challenge or otherwise interfere with the Released Parties’ rights in and to the Materials or the Released Parties’ use of exhibitor’s Likeness. Each exhibitor (and if applicable, exhibitor’s parent/legal guardian) further agrees to execute any writings or other documents which evidence exhibitor’s understanding of, and agreement to, the foregoing releases, licenses and indemnities. Exhibitor acknowledges that this section 20 will be construed and interpreted as broadly as possible under Texas law; EXHIBITOR WAIVES ANY AND ALL GENERAL RELEASE LIMITATIONS PROVIDED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR ANY RIGHTS GRANTED TO HIM/HER THEREUNDER. If any provision of this section 20 is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, in lieu of such invalid or unenforceable provision there shall be added a provision which is as similar in terms as possible to such invalid or unenforceable provision and which is


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