2025 Livestock Premium List

2025 general rules and regulations


4. ENTRY, STALL, PEN AND GROOMING CHUTE SPACE FEES. The entry and stall fees include the original bedding which will be in the stall upon arrival of livestock. All fees must be enclosed with entries. Overpayments in the amount of $20 or less will not be refunded. Make checks payable to: Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo (FWSSR).

Open Cattle and Calves, per head---------------------------------------------$ 40.00 Grooming Chute Permit, Open Show, each----------------------------------$ 40.00 Tie Outs, Open Show, each----------------------------------$ 25.00 Open Goats, per head---------------------------------------------$ 40.00 Open Sheep, per head---------------------------------------------$ 40.00 Open Swine, per head---------------------------------------------$ 40.00 Junior Agricultural Mechanics, per project-------------------------------------------$ 50.00 Junior Ag Robotics, per entry---------------------------------------------$100.00 Junior Cattle, per head---------------------------------------------$ 50.00 Grooming Chute/Scale Permit , Junior Show, each---------------------------------$ 65.00 Tie Outs , Junior Show, each---------------------------------$ 25.00

Junior Barrows, per head---------------------------------------------$ 40.00 Junior Goats, per head---------------------------------------------$ 40.00 Junior Sheep, per head---------------------------------------------$ 40.00 Horses, Donkeys and Mules -----------------------------------------------------------See Horse Premium List Poultry, Pigeons and Rabbits -----------------------------------------------------------See Poultry, Pigeons & Rabbits Premium List Exhibitors with a specific stall assignment request, must include request with entries. NOTE: The entry/stall fee or tie out fee does not guarantee the standard stall, pen or tie-out space. In divisions where entries exceed available space, it may be necessary to provide less than one (1) standard stall, pen or tie-out space per animal. Fees will not be refunded under these circumstances. 5. TAXES. Federal law requires the withholding of twenty-four percent (24%) federal income tax from payments made to vendors for which we do not have a taxpayer identification number. This withholding requirement was originally included in the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, and generally applies to payments which are required to be reported on Form 1099 to the Internal Revenue Service.

Payees are subject to the backup withholding if the owner does not provide their taxpayer identification number on the requested Form W-9 (as stated in Rule 6) or the number provided is incorrect.

Your premium check will be made payable to the name shown as owner, as indicated on your entry application. Following completion of the Show, agents will be contacted to obtain a Form W-9 for each owner in which the owner’s premium check is $600 or more. The premium check will not be released until a valid, signed Form W-9 is returned to the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show.


You will need: • One (1) entry application for each single class entry, • One (1) entry application for each group class entry, and • One (1) Agent Summary Sheet is needed for the entire group of entries sent in by the Agent, County Extension Agent or Agricultural Science Teacher.

6. PREMIUMS. Premiums will be paid as outlined in each department. Premiums offered by the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show will be paid as soon as they can be properly processed after the close of the Exposition.

7. RETURNED CHECKS. A $30 return check fee will be charged for checks returned by the bank for any reason.

8. ACCEPTED ENTRIES. In all cases, the Management reserves the right to reject, accept or conditionally accept any entry and does not guarantee space in the show barns to any entry. It is intended that only such animals shall be entered and shown as have merit and will be a credit to both the exhibitor and this Exposition. An exhibitor who makes a material misrepresentation subjects himself to being barred from all further competition. ONLY ANIMALS OFFICIALLY ENTERED WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE SHOW GROUNDS.


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