2025 Livestock Premium List

department 08 - maine-anjou


SPECIAL RULES 1. Exhibitors are subject to all rules and regulations of the American Maine-Anjou Association (AMAA). When an entry is made, exhibitors agree to abide with the rules and regulations established by the AMAA as well as the rules of the Show Management. Entries found to be misrepresented, or persons not abiding by the Show rules, may be disqualified from showing. 2. REMINDER-Entry Verification . Exhibitors will be responsible for obtaining and verifying their show number/entry to Superintendents at the Cactus Room (in the Amon G. Carter Jr. Exhibits Hall Building) from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., Friday, January 31. 3. All animals must be registered in the AMAA or Canadian Associations. The original certificate is required for presentation before the Show. Digital registration papers will be allowed if issued from AMAA staff. The PDF documents will have to be shown to AMAA staff member/show official, and the animal must have their tattoo checked at check-in. 4. Animals in MaineTainer Division classes must be 1/4 to 5/8 Maine-Anjou. Animals in Purebred Division classes must be 75% Maine-Anjou or greater. Animals in Fullblood Division classes must be 100% Maine-Anjou. All horned animals over seven (7) months of age must be dehorned. 5. Any and all cattle shall be made available to have blood drawn for parentage verification, detection of foreign substances, or the presence of altering. If recorded parent is excluded as a result of blood typing the owner may, at his expense, request the AMAA to determine actual parent. Failure to determine parentage will result in disqualification of that animal from the AMAA herd book. 6. Bulls ten (10) months of age and older shall be shown with a bull lead in place. 7. Heifers exhibited at twenty (20) months of age or older must be accompanied by a certificate of pregnancy. For heifers used in embryo transfer, a certificate of positive fertility issued by a licensed veterinarian must be available for inspection. 8. Bulls exhibited at fourteen (14) months of age or older must have had a positive semen test, and a certificate to that effect must be available for inspection. 9. Exhibitors shall wear a show harness to exhibit entry numbers and performance data cards for all AMAA sponsored shows. 10. Classes of twelve (12) or more animals shall be split as near to equal numbers as possible by the Show Superintendent. 11. Protests must be submitted in writing at least 24 hours prior to the beginning of judging or at the conclusion of judging. Written protests are accompanied by $150 non-refundable fee and three (3) signatures of current AMAA members. Judging procedures will not be interrupted for protest investigation and, depending on the basis of protest, a decision may be withheld until a complete investigation is made. 12. Show Format – Maine-Anjou Show will begin with the Fullblood classes (females followed by bulls), followed by Group Classes, followed by the Purebred classes (females followed by bulls), followed by the MaineTainer Bull Show and followed by the MaineTainer Female Show.


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