2025 Livestock Premium List

department 09 - beefmaster


SPECIAL RULES 1. Beefmaster Promotion Group, P.O. Box 157, La Ward, Texas 77970, pays some percent of premiums awarded for this show. 2. Reminder-Entry Verification. Exhibitors will be responsible for obtaining and verifying their show number/entry to Superintendents at the Corral Room (in the Amon G. Carter Jr. Exhibits Hall Building) from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., Friday, January 17 and 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturday, January 18. 3. An individual who has an entry in a Beefmaster Promotion Group (BPG) approved show must be a member of the BPG and must be at least 6 years of age as of the day of the show. All cattle must be registered with Beefmaster Breeders United (BBU). For and in consideration of the opportunity to participate in a BPG approved show, each exhibitor hereby releases BPG and their respective officials, sponsors, agents, officers, directors, employees and representatives, from any and all claims, liabilities, suits and judgments, arising from or connected with the administration or use of any animal test, rule enforcement and the resulting decision or action based thereon. 4. All animal tattoos will be checked for legibility and must match the registration papers for that animal. Animals with illegible tattoos or incorrect papers will not be allowed to show. 5. Animals entered in group classes, must have been shown in an individual class. 6. Heifers exhibited at twenty-four (24) months of age or older must be accompanied by a certificate of pregnancy or be nursing their natural calf-at-side. If calf is over 6 months old, cow must be palpated safe in calf and so stated on health paper. 7. All bulls twenty (20) months of age or older that are exhibited must have passed a fertility examination given by a licensed veterinarian to be eligible to show and the results must be presented at check in. Once a bull has a positive exam, retesting is not required. All bulls 12 months and older must be led with a nose lead at all times. 8. All animals must be shown with their hair coats lying downward and flat against their entire body. Hair trimming is permissible and must be done in those few areas such as the neck and portions of the topline of the animal which may not naturally lay flat against the body. Hair may not be trained upwards or forwards and/or pulled upwards or forwards on any part of the animal’s body. No animals may have any foreign object(s) attached to it in any manner or have its natural color altered in a manner so as to change the conformation or appearance. An exhibitor who fails to abide by this rule will be dismissed from the arena and/or forfeit premiums, awards and points from the show.






A: $55



R: Rosette

SPECIAL AWARDS: • Beefmaster Promotion Group will present a belt buckle to the Grand Champion Female, Reserve Grand Champion Female, Grand Champion Bull and Reserve Grand Champion Bull winners. They will also provide awards to Division Champions and Reserve Division Champions. BREEDING SHOW CLASSIFICATIONS–BEEFMASTER CLASS PREMIUM 1– Get-of-Sire---------------------------------------------------------------------A Three (3) animals, all by one (1) sire, both sexes represented. No ownership requirement. 2– Produce-of-Dam--------------------------------------------------------------A Two (2) animals, either or both sexes produced by one (1) dam. No ownership requirement. CLASS PREMIUM 3– Late Summer Heifer Calves, calved: June 1, 2024 and after------------------------------------------A 4– Summer Heifer Calves, calved: May 2024-----------------------------------------------------------A 5– Champion Heifer Calf-------------------------------------------------------R 6– Reserve Champion Heifer Calf-------------------------------------------R


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