2025 Livestock Premium List

department 206 - SENIOR HORSE judging contest


SPECIAL RULES This Contest will be governed by the General Rules and Regulations of the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show, General Rules and Regulations for Judging Contests and, in addition, the following Special Rules. All TQHYA, 4-H and FFA organizations in Texas are invited to enter one (1) or more Senior Horse Judging Teams of three (3) or four (4) members. An individual may not represent more than one (1) team. When four (4) are entered on a team, the three (3) team members with the three (3) highest scores will make up the team total. No individuals or teams of less than three (3) members may judge. Contest entry applications may be obtained by contacting the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show, PO Box 150, Fort Worth, Texas 76101-0150, 817-877-2400, or on our website fwssr.com. 1. CONTESTANTS AND ELIGIBILITY: a. Contestants must be bona fide 4-H, FFA or TQHYA members and approved by their respective organizations and enrolled in public or private schools in the State of Texas. 4-H contestants must reside in the county they are competing under. FFA contestants must be listed on the active roster of their chapter. TQHYA contestants must be active members of the organization. b. Contestants must have passed their fourteenth (14th) birthday and not have passed their nineteenth (19th) birthday as of January 1, 2025. All team members must meet age requirements. This Contest is made available to Senior teams only. c. Contestants who enroll in any college judging course prior to the Contest in the current year are not eligible to compete in this Contest. d. Any members of a team that have previously won first place team overall will not be eligible to judge at this Contest. 2. AWARDS: a. Final results of the Contest will be made available and awards will be presented following the Contest. Time and place will be announced by the contest official. b. Rosettes will be presented to the members of the top five (5) teams and to the ten (10) high individuals in the Contest. Also, appropriate awards will be presented to high individuals and high teams in halter judging, performance judging and oral reasons scores. Team members must give oral reasons in order for that team to be eligible for team awards. c. The two (2) high scoring teams in the Contest will represent the TQHYA at the American Quarter Horse Youth Association World Championship Horse Judging Contest in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and the top team will represent Texas at the All American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio. d. Texas Quarter Horse Youth Association has donated $500 for the purpose of assisting with the travel expenses of the winning team to the AQHYA World Championship Horse Judging Contest. e. The Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show , through our Equine Scholarship Program, will award a $4,000 scholarship to the High Point Individual Overall. f. The Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show , through our Equine Scholarship Program, will award a $2,000 scholarship to each member of the First Place Team Overall. g. Trophy buckles will be presented to each member of the winning team by Hall-Nance Ranches, Fort Worth, Texas . h. Trophy buckles will be presented to the First and Second Place High Point Individuals Overall by Nutrena Feed, Kirk Chilson, Bowie, Texas . 3. ADDITIONAL CONTEST RULES: a. Classes: Six (6) to eight (8) classes consisting of four (4) horses in each class shall be judged. There shall be two (2) to four (4) halter classes and four (4) to six (6) performance classes. If suitable horses are available, the halter classes will consist of stallion, gelding and mare classes. Other combinations of halter classes may be used. The performance classes will be selected from western pleasure, reining, hunter under saddle, hunt seat equitation, ranch riding, stock horse pleasure, showmanship at halter, western horsemanship, western riding and/or trail. b. Time: A minimum of twelve (12) minutes will be allowed for contestants to place all classes.


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