2025 Livestock Premium List

241 department 204 - SOUTHWEST DAIRY CATTLE judging contest

SPECIAL RULES This Contest will be governed by the General Rules and Regulations of the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show, General Rules and Regulations for Judging Contests and, in addition, the following Special Rules. Please note Rule 1, Page 223 which will be strictly enforced. Contestants will provide their own #2 pencil to mark placings on scan sheets. 1. Eligibility of Contestants . Each contestant must be a student of a college in the United States or Canada. The contestant may be a student in a four-year agricultural degree college or a junior college offering agricultural training covering less than a four-year degree. 2. Contestants enrolled in a program of study normally requiring four (4) or more academic years for a degree must have completed at least thirty-six (36) weeks of college work. Contestants enrolled in agricultural courses as part of their course of study at schools not granting four-year degrees in agriculture must have completed at least eighteen (18) weeks of college work. 3. The contestant is ineligible, if they: a. Have been a representative (either team member or individual) of one (1) junior college judging team which previously competed in the Southwest Dairy Cattle Judging Contest AND one (1) senior college judging team which previously competed in the Southwest Dairy Cattle Judging Contest. That is, a person may participate twice in the contest only if they have been a team member or individual of a junior college team, then transferred to a senior college and been a team member or individual of that team; b. Have served as an official judge of dairy cattle at a fair or show; c. Taught dairy judging in a college or secondary school; d. Completed requirements for a college degree normally requiring at least four (4) years; or e. Have been an employee or paid consultant of a breed organization, breeding service or similar unit, for which their duties include evaluation of dairy cattle for type. 4. If the eligibility of any student is protested, such protests must be made in writing at the arena side the day of the Contest before the Contest begins. The protest must be accompanied by a check for $25, which will be returned if the protest is sustained. If the protest is not sustained, the $25 protest fee shall be forfeited. 5. Contestants will be allowed fifteen (15) minutes to make their observations and record their placings on non-reason classes. Contestants will be allowed fifteen (15) minutes to make their observations, record their placings and take notes as will assist them in remembering the class when they appear before the judge on reasons classes. All groups will be notified two (2) minutes before time is up. 6. Each college may enter only one (1) team, as well as additional individual contestants. 7. Four (4) contestants shall constitute a team in this Contest, and the highest three (3) contestants will determine the team’s score. The contestants representing the team will be declared by the team coach at the Coaches Meeting at 6 p.m. on Saturday, January 18, 2025. Additional individual contestants are eligible to compete provided the required entry application and entry fees are received by the entry deadline of December 1, 2024. 8. Only contestants declared as team members will compete for and be eligible for team awards. All contestants (team members and individuals) are eligible for individual awards. 9. The final rank of each contestant in each breed shall be determined by totaling their scores on placings and reasons (if any) for that breed. The overall individual ranking shall be determined by adding his/her grades for each of the breeds. 10. The overall team ranking shall be determined by totaling all scores of the three (3) highest scoring team members. The team ranking for each breed shall be determined by totaling the scores and reasons (if any) for each of the three (3) highest scoring members.


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