2025 Livestock Premium List
department 203 - 4-H & FFA MEAT judging contest
SPECIAL RULES This Contest will be governed by the General Rules and Regulations of the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show, General Rules and Regulations for Judging Contests and, in addition, the following Special Rules. 1. ELIGIBILITY: a. Contestants must be bona fide 4-H or FFA members trained under the supervision of their respective Agricultural Science Teacher or County Extension Agent and enrolled in public or private schools in the State of Texas. 4-H contestants must reside in the county they are competing under, and FFA contestants must be listed on the active roster of their chapter. b. Each County Extension Agent or Agricultural Science Teacher may enter four (4) teams and any number of individuals in the Contest. All contestants must be nine (9) years old or in the third grade, but not older than nineteen (19) years old on January 1, 2025. c. Teams will consist of three (3) or four (4) members with the three (3) high scores constituting the team score. There will be no age divisions in either team or individual competitions. d. Entry applications may be obtained by contacting the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show, PO Box 150, Fort Worth, Texas 76101-0150, 817-877-2400, or on our website fwssr.com. 2. CONDUCT OF CONTESTANTS: a. All contestants are required to be appropriately attired to enter a meat processing establishment. b. Contestant must provide their own hard hats, hairnets, beard nets, if needed, and white laboratory coats. Close toed shoes are required. Warm clothes should be worn. c. Contestants will not be permitted to: • Bring items other than #2 pencil and an unmarked clipboard or manila folder. • Handle any exhibit. • Use any mechanical aid or electronic devices (ruler, calculator, light, etc.). 3. SCORING: All contestants will be provided blank note paper for recording their results and/or calculations. 4. PROCEDURES: a. Ten (10) minutes will be allowed for each class. For the placing classes of carcasses and cuts, contestants will have a two (2) minute stand-back/walk-by to observe the general appearance factors and/or quality factors. Contestants will also be given a one (1) minute warning before time is up for each class. No stand back period will be required for retail cut identification, retail cut classes and beef grading classes. Contestants will be given a ten (10) minute break to warm up and review notes for the questions portion of the Contest. Notes can be used during the question session. Contestants will have ten (10) minutes to answer questions on two (2) placing classes designated during the Contest. (Five (5) questions per class for a total of ten (10) questions.) b. Exhibits within a class will be designated by numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. c. No oral reasons for this Contest. d. Movement of groups to each class will be controlled by the Superintendent.
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