2025 Livestock Premium List

department 55 - junior wether lambs


SPECIAL RULES 1. To be eligible, lambs must be validated with the Texas Lamb Validation Program administered by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and the Texas Education Agency, division of Agricultural Science and Technology. The first, second and eighth place lambs in each class will be nose printed, and the print must match the nose print taken at the time of validation. Breed Champion and Reserve Breed Champion Lambs, as well as any other lambs designated by the Show Management, will have samples collected for DNA analysis. In the event the DNA analysis reveals there is not a positive match, the animal will be disqualified. 2. Upon arrival. A representative from each County 4-H Group or FFA Chapter must obtain, from the Superintendent’s Office, a packet containing their group’s ear tags and weight/breed cards for their entries in this division. 3. Ear Tag Numbers. All lambs must have ear tags that match lamb’s entry number at the time they are presented in the show ring. Ear tags will be provided by the Stock Show. 4. Weighing. Exhibitors will be responsible for weighing their own lambs and must return weight cards to Superintendent by 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 28. Any entry whose weight card is not received by this deadline will be disqualified. Texas Lamb Validation number must be included on weight card. Fine Wool, Fine Wool Cross and Medium Wool lambs weighing less than 90 lbs. will not be eligible to compete. Minimum weight on Southdown and Dorper lambs will be 80 lbs. Scales will be provided by Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show. 5. Classifying. Exhibitors must indicate on weight card the breed of each entry. All lambs will be classified at the time of judging by a three-person committee. If the animal is classified out, it will be sifted. 6. Sale Weight. Weight given on weight card will be the sale weight. Animals not in the sale are the responsibility of the exhibitor. 7. Class Weights. After weight cards have been returned to the Superintendent’s Office, entries will be divided into weight divisions, as equal in number as possible, light, medium and heavy, for each breed. All placing lambs in each class and any lambs designated by the Superintendents will be weighed back. Any lambs not meeting minimum weight requirements, or lambs with weights more than 5 lbs. above or below the weight turned in to the Superintendents on the weight card, will be disqualified. 8. Shearing. All lambs must be shorn to the skin with mechanical shears one (1) week or less prior to arrival at the Show , leaving a uniform length of wool over the entire body. Boots may be left on all lambs. No electrical or battery operated clippers, blocking tables or fitting apparatus will be allowed. Hand shears may be used. 9. All Champions and Reserve Champions must sell. 10. Number of Animals. Each exhibitor is entitled to enter a maximum of eight (8) wether lambs in the Junior Lamb Show, but no more than two (2) will be allowed in each weight class. 11. Best 10 Lambs Class. Lambs can be any of the breeds shown. Only two (2) groups of ten (10) may be entered in the class from any one (1) 4-H Group or FFA Chapter. If it is a combined group, only two (2) groups may be shown from one (1) county. All lambs competing in the Best 10 Lambs class must have been entered and shown previously in their individual classes. Best 10 Lambs will be judged immediately following the selection of Medium Wool and Crosses Champion and Reserve Champion. Only one (1) premium check will be issued per placing. 12. Ownership. The exhibitors must have owned their lambs prior to November 1, 2024, and shall have fed and cared for

their lambs exclusively during the period from ownership date to the date of the Show. 13. Artificial Coloring. No paint, powder or artificial coloring may be used on lambs.

14. Sale Animals. The Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Lambs as well as all Breed Champion Lambs and Reserve Breed Champion Lambs will be sold in the Junior Sale of Champions, Saturday, February 8 at 9 a.m. All other sale lambs must be delivered to the designated area beginning at 4 p.m., Thursday, January 30. All lambs must be delivered within one hour from the conclusion of the Show. A delivery card must be turned in to the sale personnel on each lamb sold. A lamb shown in the group class must sell with the group rather than as an individual. A group must sell in its entirety or not at all.


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