2025 Livestock Premium List

department 50 - junior barrows


SPECIAL RULES 1. To be eligible, barrows must be validated with the Texas Swine Validation Program administered by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and the Texas Education Agency, division of Agricultural Science and Technology. The first and second place barrows in each class will be inspected to verify that the barrow’s ear notches match those recorded at the time of validation. Breed Champions and Reserve Breed Champions, as well as any other barrows designated by the Show Management, will have samples collected for DNA analysis. In the event the DNA analysis reveals there is not a positive match, the animal will be disqualified. 2. Each exhibitor is entitled to enter only one (1) barrow in the Junior Barrow Show and must have owned the barrow prior to December 1, 2024. The barrow must have been fed and cared for by the exhibitor from date of purchase. 3. Upon Arrival. A representative from each County 4-H Group or FFA Chapter must obtain, from the Superintendent’s Office, a packet containing their group’s ear tags and weight/breed cards for their entries in this division. 4. Ear Tag Numbers. All barrows must have ear tags that match barrow’s entry number at the time they are presented in the show ring. Ear tags will be provided by Stock Show. 5. Weighing. Exhibitors will be responsible for weighing their own barrows and must return weight/breed cards to Superintendents by 10 a.m., Tuesday, February 4 with the declared weight and breed designation. Texas Swine Validation number must also be included on weight/breed cards. Any entry whose weight/breed card is not received by this deadline will be disqualified. To be eligible to show, all barrows must weigh not less than 250 lbs. or more than 290 lbs. Weight given on weight/breed card will be both the show weight and the sale weight. After weight/breed cards are turned in, entries will be divided into weight divisions as equal in number as possible. Placing barrows and any barrow designated by the Superintendents will be weighed back. Any barrow that weighs more than 10 lbs. above or below its show weight will be disqualified. 6. Classifying. Barrows will be classified at the time of judging by a three person committee. If the animal is classed out, it will be sifted. The decision of the committee will be final, and protests will not be considered by Management. See Classification Guidelines below. All Junior Livestock Exhibitors must be Quality Counts Verified, and Verification Number 7. Sale Animals. All barrows must go to slaughter. The Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Barrows, as well as all Breed Champion and Reserve Breed Champion Barrows, will be sold in the Junior Sale of Champions Saturday, February 8 at 9 a.m. All other barrows will be sold by sealed bid, and bonus money will be paid to prize winning barrows. Sifted barrows will be sold at a price discounted at 10 cents per pound. A delivery card must be turned in to the sale personnel on each barrow delivered. 8. Artificial Coloring. Entries that are artificially colored with paint, paste, powder, oil or other dressing will be barred from showing. Only water will be allowed to be used. ALL BREEDS AND CROSSES: All animals must be properly ear notched within seven (7) days of birth with a litter notch in the right ear and individual notch in the left ear to be eligible for the Texas 4-H and FFA Swine Validation Program and entry in the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show. Animals not properly notched in both ears will be disqualified. BERKSHIRE– 1. Black and white with erect ears exhibiting Berkshire Breed character. 2. A Berkshire must have white on face and tail (unless tail is docked). Three (3) of the four (4) legs must be white. 3. A Berkshire must not have a solid white or a solid black face from the ears forward. 4. A Berkshire must not have a solid black nose (rim of nose). 5. White is allowed on the ears, but neither ear can be entirely white. 6. An occasional splash of white may appear on the body. must be provided on all entry applications when entries are submitted. Entries will not be accepted without Quality Counts Verification Number. CLASSIFICATION GUIDELINES


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