2025 Livestock Premium List

junior livestock show


5. Transfer of Entries. No animal may be changed from one (1) class to another after entry closing date unless it is ineligible for the class in which it is entered. 6. Stall and Pen Space. Stalls or pens will not be reserved without the required fee. All animals entered in the Junior Livestock Show, in order to be eligible for competition, must be stalled or penned in the special divisions set aside for this purpose. Each exhibitor or caretaker must remain with their animals until definite stall or pen space has been assigned by the Department Superintendent. 7. Tie Outs. Tie Outs must be reserved and paid for at the time of entry. Tie Outs will be numbered and assigned (See note in General Rules and Regulations, Rule 4, Page 18). TIE OUT TIME IS 7:30 P.M. – All cattle must be in their assigned stalls between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. 8. Bedding. All pens and stalls will be initially bedded with wood shavings upon arrival, with the exception of the Junior Barrow Show. Dairy Cattle will be bedded on straw. Additional wood shavings or straw will be available at the Feed Office. NOTE: No straw will be allowed in any of the barns except for Dairy Cattle. NO LARGE ROUND OR SQUARE BALES OF STRAW OR HAY WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE GROUNDS. 9. Cattle Grooming Chutes and Scales. Each 4-H Club or FFA Chapter will be allowed to purchase grooming chute/scale permits by submitting a $65 fee for each permit along with entries. Any apparatus used for a grooming chute and/or scale must be used in the stall and completely off concrete aisles. Grooming chute/scale stickers will be issued and must be placed on the upper, right hand corner at the back of the chute. 10. Exhibitions. All entries in the Junior Livestock Show must be exhibited by the owner/exhibitor, except when the exhibitor has more than one (1) entry in a class or cannot be present to show their own animal due to circumstances beyond their control. In these cases, a substitute showman may exhibit the animal provided that the substitute showman meets all Junior exhibitor criteria and is approved by the Superintendent of that department. A substitute showman may not exhibit animals for an owner/exhibitor participating in other events or activities (UIL competitions, school sports, etc.) or just being absent from the competition. If the exhibitor is scholastically ineligible to participate, as determined by the respective school district, the exhibitor and their entries are ineligible for competition. Parents, Agricultural Science Teachers and County Extension Agents will not be allowed in the judging arena. An animal will be disqualified from the Show if it is being trimmed, fitted or dressed by anyone other than exhibitors, County Extension Agents or Agricultural Science Teachers from the State of Texas, or other feeders or leaders within the county or school district from which the animal is entered. Exhibitors must remain in charge of their exhibits and care for them for the duration of the Show or have a competent caretaker, who will be on duty at all times, in charge of them. NO PORTABLE COMMUNICATION DEVICES (I.E., CELL PHONES, RADIOS, TABLETS, SMART WATCHES, FITNESS TRACKING, ETC.) MAY BE USED BY EXHIBITORS DURING COMPETITION IN SHOW ARENAS. EXHIBITORS USING SUCH DEVICES WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED. 11. Artificial Coloring. Any Junior animal entry which, when rubbed with a white cloth or glove shows residual evidence of artificial coloring, will be disqualified, with the exception of dressing on hoofs. AS A SAFETY PRECAUTION FOR EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS, THE HEATING OF AEROSOL SPRAY CANS WILL BE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 12. Partnerships. SHOWING ANIMALS UNDER A PARTNERSHIP WILL NOT BE PERMITTED, with the exception of Junior Breeding Sheep. 13. Sifting Committee. Sifting committees appointed by the Management will inspect all animals entered in the Junior Livestock Show. Sifted animals will be refused the privilege of competing for prizes and may be ordered from the Show Grounds, as it is intended that only animals which are creditable from standpoints of type, quality and finish shall be entered and shown. JUNIOR BREEDING SHOW SPECIAL AWARDS PREMIUMS FOR CHAMPIONS IN THE JUNIOR BREEDING SHOWS ARE PROVIDED BY THE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND.


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